Committed mirroring code to fink, please test it.

Is this text clear to everyone:

The Fink team maintains mirrors known as "Master" mirrors, which contain the
sources for all fink packages. You can choose to use these mirrors first,
last, never, or mixed in with regular mirrors. If you don't care, just select
the default.

(1) Search "Master" source mirrors first.
(2) Search "Master" source mirrors last.
(3) Never use "Master" source mirrors.
(4) Search closest source mirrors first. (combine all mirrors into one set)

What mirror order should fink use when downloading sources? [1]

and, this is what i added to fink.conf.5:

MirrorOrder: MasterFirst or MasterLast or MasterNever or ClosestFirst
fink supports 'Master' mirrors, which are mirrored repositories of
the source tarballs for all fink packages. The advantage of using
the Master mirror set is that the source download URLs will never
break. Users can choose to use these mirrors which are maintained
by the fink team, or to use only the original source URLs and
external mirror sites such as the gnome, KDE, and debian mirror
sites. Additionally users can choose to combine the two sets,
which are then searched in proximity order, as documented above.
When using the MasterFirst or MasterLast options, the user can
'skip ahead' to the Master (or non Master) set if a download fails.
The options are:
MasterFirst - Search Master source mirrors first.
MasterLast - Search Master source mirrors last.
MasterNever - Never use Master source mirrors.
ClosestFirst - Search closest source mirrors first. (combine
all mirrors into one set)

If so, it would be nice if the docu folks could add that (or something simiilar) to the user guide and website, once we release the version of fink that contains it. (or mention that it is only in current cvs)


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