On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 09:53:06PM -0700, Greg Novak wrote:
> I started creating some fink packages that I may eventually try to have
> distributed, and I recently had the extremely unpleasant experience of
> having a "fink build" command write a whole bunch of files to the fink
> tree (not the /sw/src/package-root directory, as it was supposed to).
> It turns out that the package respected configure --prefix=/sw but not
> make install prefix=/sw/src/package-root, so it happily installed a bunch
> of files to /sw and none to /sw/src/package-root.
> This could be fixed if I could use fink without becoming root.  I'd like
> to do something like:
> fink build --non-root --workdir=/Users/novak/fink package
> Then fink would (without becoming root) use /Users/novak/fink as a working
> directory instead of /sw/src.  If I haven't got  the .info file correct
> yet, the package will try to install itself to /sw, but it'll fail with
> error messages and I can easily play with the .info file until it's right.
> I thought I could do this by setting RootMethod: none in fink.conf, and
> making /sw/src writeable by all users.  However, fink very politely
> refuses to do anything at all if it's not root.  Not what I was shooting
> for...

There are some patches attached to
that should allow you to run fink as a user (I haven't tried it since
I've rebuilt my machine, and it gets clobbered every time there's an

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to any desire among the maintainers to
make fink a more user mode environment, which is a big mistake, IMHO.
An application shouldn't request root privileges until absolutely
necessary.  A poorly patched or configured package, or even a typop,
could wreak havoc on a system.

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