Chris Pepper wrote:

I'm running 7b68 on a dual G4, and fails to build apt; is a fix or workaround available?

I assume you mean the 0.5.3 bootstrap from the tarball? That definitely won't work...

I checked the archives, but didn't find anything helpful.

Panther is not officially supported.

If you want to be able to limp along until we have it officially supported, you can bootstrap fink from CVS. See "Updating the Package Manager" at:

Not everything will work, and likely anything you build there will have incompatibilities with what gets released officially from Fink as far as panther support, so be prepared to start over when we have something that's working better. =)

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick --
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"You CAN'T clean the toilet, Neil, it'll lose all it's character!"
  -- Vyvyan

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