On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 08:28:04AM -0500, David R. Morrison wrote:
> On the other hand, very few of the fink developers have any experience with
> any of the perl testing stuff.  This makes it hard to even know how to
> report a failure.

At the very least just cut & paste the failing portion of the 'make test'
output fink-devel.  Simple as that.  Then we can go from there.  When in
doubt, copy the whole thing.  "make test > /tmp/test.out 2>&1"

Too much information is better than too little or none at all.

I'll post up some testing docs in a bit.

> My saga yesterday evening started when -- in the interests of trying out
> somebody's recent change to the code -- I attempted to install the
> fink package manager from CVS HEAD.  Problem #1 was that the most recent
> commit had a bug which kept stuff from compiling.  So I backtracked one
> step in CVS, and then ran into problems with the tests in failure.t .
> The testing suite has now been fully integrated into fink, so that (for
> example) anyone trying to install from CVS HEAD will be unable to do so
> unless "make test" succeeds. 

This may be premature.  The dependency on Test::More hasn't been formally
resolved so 5.6.0 users will have to resolve it manually.

> (And by the way, why are we always finding
> that there is "1 unexpected success" during testing?  Shouldn't an
> "unexpected success" count as a failure?)

No.  When you've written a test for a bug that hasn't been fixed yet or
a feature that hasn't been written, the test will fail.  Instead of 
commenting the test out you can declare it TODO.  This means the test
will be run but a failure will be ignored and all diagnostics supressed
about the failure supressed.  If the test starts passing an
"unexpected success" will be reported.  That means the bug has been fixed.

So you've got a programmatic TODO list and a way to know when old bugs have
been fixed.

That one was mkdir_p() setting $! on failure.  I must have fixed it while
fixing something else.  Since the test was TODO instead of commented out
we now know the bug is fixed.  I've removed the TODO flags from that test.

> That's all fine and good, but creates problems for working on the code
> if there is a bug in the testing suite that I don't understand in the 
> least.  I checked on IRC, and most folks did not experience the bug but
> a few of us did.

I suspect I know the problem.  Likely when you installed Test::More,
Test::Harness didn't get upgraded.  This happens sometimes.  The failure.t
test is the only one with TODO tests in it.  Test::Harness before 5.8.0
doesn't understand TODO tests, it thinks they're failures.  If you have
5.6.0 you might have an old version.  Installing Test::More is supposed
to upgrade Test::Harness, but sometimes the old version "shadows" the new

To fix, try reinstalling Test::Harness from 
http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Harness/ and use "make install UNINST=1"
to make sure the old version is deleted.

It looks like the plan is to put test-simple-pm and test-harness-pm into
bootstrap to solve this sort of problem.  Until then it might not
be a bad idea to remove running the tests from the installation process.
I'll do that now.

> My personal workaround was to comment out the "make test" line from
> fink.info.in, allowing the new fink to be installed to that I could continue
> to work.  As Ben Reed pointed out to me on IRC, the failure was happening
> in the new Command.pm module which isn't even being used in fink yet.

Its not currently being used, but it will be used.  There's a patch to 
replace most of the execute() calls with Fink::Command.  I decided to wait 
on it until some more eyes looked at it.  Meanwhile, its nice to know if
Fink::Command works or not.

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
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