Hash: RIPEMD160

David R. Morrison wrote:

| I screamed and complained before, and I'll do it again.
I didn't realise that you meant to express your disapproval. You asked
me a qustion in the first mail you sent. I apologise for not getting it
right :)
| You can't and shouldn't remove things.
Why not? If there are no longer needed there is no use keeping them
around. Especially in the web-folder for _auxiliary_ tools. Since Ben
stated that he still uses phpmyadmin, i am of course not touching. but
what about pws? Does anyone use that? Does nayone need it? If there is a
no to both questions what does it do in the web-module then?  I am going
as far as that such useless bits of data should be rm -rf'd from the CVS
Repository in SF and maybe copied to a backup.

But as I said, I am not touching anything that is in use.

- -d

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