Martin Costabel wrote:

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

Why isn't the order of Trees important?

This has annoyed me, too. I seem to remember someone saying that it is now, since one of the recent shakeups, the *reverse* order of the Trees line that is used. If true, I would consider this a serious bug.

Fink always picks the newest epoch/version/revision tuple regardless of tree order. The only time tree order matters is if you somehow happen to have 2 different versions of the same versioned package in different trees (which shouldn't happen unless you messed with a package and put it in local, in which case you reap what you sow).

If you want to install a specific version, you do "fink install foo-0.1-1".

If you want it to never upgrade you, then your options are to not run unstable, or hack the old package to have a newer epoch and put it in your local tree, but you'll never get upgrades again until things happen to match up epoch-wise.

Or don't run "update-all" if you don't want all packages updated. ;)

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick --
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