Hi Dave,

On Dec 12, 2003, at 2:16 PM, David R. Morrison wrote:

Hi Remi. As Ben Reed pointed out, our biggest problem in setting up more
frequent bindists is getting the system fully automated. In fact, as of
now, only three people have ever made full bindists, and its only a
partially automated process. To find out how it works, you can look in
the "scripts" CVS module (although the instructions there are not complete).

If somebody out there wanted to work on getting this process into better
shape, that would be great.

I spent a rainy Sunday looking through the scripts used to make a bin dist and started improving them. I'm not yet finished and there are sure many bugs left.

However, I send here a part of the new HOWTO showing the assumptions I made and the steps needed to make a binary distribution. I'd like to hear your comments about it. The scripts are documented in more detail in a README which I do not include here due to space considerations.

From the scripts/bindist/HOWTO:

Q: What is needed before I can start making a binary distribution?

A: - You need a working fink installation. However during the build
     phase all but the essential packages will be purged. Thus DON'T
     DO IT on a production system where you relay on certain fink
   - The user building the binary distribution must be able to get
     root privilegies on the build machine using 'sudo'
   - The maintainer must have an account at SourceForge.net which
     enables her/him to upload the binary distribution.
   - Enough disk space to hold the local binary distribution
   - Before making a new binary distribution, the packages used must
     be tagged in cvs with the release number used.
   - If a binary distribution for the stable tree is built, only the
     stable tree must be enabled (at /sw/etc/fink.conf). Otherwise
     packages might get built against libraries existing only in the
     unstable tree.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

Q: What scripts need to be run to make a binary distribution?

A: # First edit bdenv.csh to set up the site specific settings
   # Then source the file to set up the environment
   source bdenv.csh

   # Create the directory structure for a new release, f.e. 7.0. This
   # assumes that the packages in cvs used for the binary distribution
   # are cvs tagged to 7.0
   ./bdnewrel 7.0

   # Get the sources from cvs and copy them into the dist structure
   # excluding those packages which may not be distributed as binaries

   # Next build the deb files for the sources copied in the previous
   # step. Successfully compiled packages are copied into the dist
   # structure, including the source files.

   # After the previous step finished, check the $BDLOG directory for
   # any packages which failed to build (stored in NotBuilt).

   # Create index.php files in the various directories

   # Ensure all .deb's etc are uploaded

   # Make sure the files are referenced

   # Get the Package.gz files online


If there are no mayor objections, I would like to start committing the changes to cvs. Shall I (can I?) branch the scripts/bindist or is it enough to tag the current status (any proposals for the tag name?). Is it wise to just tag/branch the bindist subdirectory or shall I tag/branch the full module scripts?

Cheers, Remi

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product. (Ferenc Mantfeld)

Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of California, Irvine       URL:    http://cern.ch/mommsen
c/o SLAC                             voice:        ++1 (650) 926-3595
2575 Sand Hill Road #35                fax:        ++1 (650) 926-3882
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