At 20:35 -0500 7/1/04, Daniel Macks wrote:
On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 07:16:45PM -0500, Kevin Horton wrote:

Yeah, I suspected the functionality of the package tracker was a good part of the problem. It really needs some sort of way to differentiate items that are waiting for the submitter to respond from items that are waiting for an "official fink person" to tend to. But, I realize that Sourceforge is what it is, and it would be a big job to design a proper tracker and find a way to host it.

 So, would it help if I put up a web page that listed which tracker
 items were waiting for someone from fink to tend to?  The list should
 also have the name of the fink guy who has been dealing with a
 package if it is a work in progress.  What other info would be
 worthwhile?  Last updated date, I guess.

A link to each item (i.e., make the page an enhanced alternative to tracker "browse" mode instead of just a list). I just submitted a request for some of these features (last-updated date and user in browse mode) to SF...will see if they have any thoughts.

 I could probably update the list once a day or so.  This would be a
 completely manual effort at first, but I have been thinking of
 learning PHP, and I will probably be stuck on the road for a few days
 with some spare evenings next week.  So, I could try to hack together
 some sort of PHP/MYSQL thing that allowed some interaction - i.e. you
 tell it that you have responded to a tracker item, and it moves it
 over to the list of items are are waiting for the submitter.

How about subscribing to the fink trackers mailing list and have procmail call a script that updates your thing based on that? Given that the messages are in a well-defined format, doesn't sound too hard to parse out the tracker name and item summary, a URL to the item, the status (drop it from your list if closed), last-update user and date, etc.


I'll see what I can come up with. I've know nothing about procmail yet, other than what I gleaned from a very quick glance at man procmail. And I didn't know the fink trackers mailing list existed. I'll subscribe to it, and start pondering how to put something useful together. This will take me some time, so don't hold your breath.

How about a list with the following columns:

- item ID (which would be a link to the tracker page for that item),
- package name,
- status (same status as on the tracker page, but break the Open status
  into two sub-categories: open on submitter and open on fink team),
- last updated date and time and who updated the item,
- fink team member who is assigned this item and
- name of submitter.

The list could be sorted by any of the columns.

Would I need to break the Open status into two sub-categories if the list had the name of the person who last updated the item?

Kevin Horton

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