Your .info file is in the right place--the tarball should be in /sw/src. You may need to run "fink index" to make sure your .info file is visible.
Alexander K. Hansen
Levitated Dipole Experiment

On Jan 14, 2004, at 2:27 PM, Dan Kelley wrote:

Thanks, Alexander, for the help. Just to check, is the following right? (Well, it fails to build, but I'm hoping I've done something wrong...)

Emit:~ kelley$ fink build gri
sudo /sw/bin/fink  build gri
Information about 1118 packages read in 0 seconds.
no package found for "gri"
Failed: no package found for specification 'gri'!

Emit:~ kelley$ head -4 /sw/etc/fink.conf
# Fink configuration, initially created by
Basepath: /sw
RootMethod: sudo
Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto local/bootstrap

Emit:~ kelley$ tree /sw/fink/dists | head
|-- local
|   `-- main
|       `-- finkinfo
|           |-- gri-2.12.7.tgz
|           `--
|-- stable
|   |-- crypto
|   |   `-- finkinfo
|   |       |--

On Jan 14, 2004, at 2:22 PM, Alexander K. Hansen wrote:

There is a "fink build" command, which builds the source into a .deb archive, but doesn't install the package.

Check out the Fink Packaging Guide:


For a "local" build, do you mean installing the files somewhere outside your main Fink tree? If you just mean 'local to your machine' it's straightforward--put the .info (and .patch, if needed) into the local subtree (e.g. /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo) and make sure local/main is listed as an option in the Trees: line of /sw/etc/fink.conf
Alexander Hansen
Levitated Dipole Experiment

On Jan 14, 2004, at 1:05 PM, Dan Kelley wrote:

I hope it's OK to ask this here. I've spent hours on the fink website looking, and googling, but I'm still missing something...

I am the author the Gri application ( which I developed on vms/solaris/.../linux but now I have an OSX box on my desk, so I'd like to learn how to use fink to build Gri LOCALLY. I don't see any options to "fink build" that would tell me to use a particular .info file and a particular .tgz file, for a local build. (This sort of thing is easy in Redhat, so I imagine it must be easy in FINK also, since otherwise it would be hard for packagers to do local testing.)

Again, I'm sorry if this is covered well in some document ... a one-liner reply with a hint would be VERY appreciated by this fink newbie.

Dan E. Kelley, Associate Professor                phone:(902)494-1694
Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University       fax:(902)494-2885
Halifax, Nova Scotia                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Canada B3H 4J1

Dan E. Kelley, Associate Professor                phone:(902)494-1694
Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University       fax:(902)494-2885
Halifax, Nova Scotia                         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Canada B3H 4J1

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