On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 05:28:47PM +0100, jfm wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2004, at 5:17 PM, Daniel Macks wrote:
> >On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 03:47:34PM +0100, jfm wrote:
> >>When updating fink from cvs an hour ago, I got :
> >>
> >>ln -s 10.3 /sw/fink/dists
> >>Reading package info...
> >>Error performing percent expansion: unknown % expansion or nesting too
> >>deep: "%n-dev". at /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/Services.pm line 549.
> >>
> >>And any command like 'fink rebuild foo' yields the same msg.
> >>
> >>Anything wrong here, or in the update ?
> >
> >Sounds like your package descriptions are out-dated. I'm pretty sure I
> >adjusted those .info in 10.3 in CVS Wednesday night. For me:
> >  % grep -lr /sw/fink/10.3 '%n-dev'
> >doesn't find anything.
> Ah !
> But I don't use only 10.3 _ also 10.2-gcc3.3, 10.2 _ and until recently
> even 10.2-gcc3.3 with the 'not-ready' tag and 10.1 ....

Remi adjusted all of 10.2-gcc3.3 and most of 10.2 yesterday, and I did
the remainder of 10.2 this morning. As for 10.1...
but I'd be happy to also take care of the situation in the 10.1
package descriptions if you like.

For those playing along at home: previously and since the dawn of
splitoffs, :SplitOff:Package: was being evaluated in the scope of the
parent (so %n was that of the parent) while the rest of SplitOff: was
evaluated in its own scope. That means %n has different meanings in
different parts of a SplitOff. When I shuffled around and consolidated
some of the Package and PkgVersion object creation code, I didn't
propagate this behavior. All of SplitOff: is now evaluated in its own
scope, so 'Package: %n-dev' would be recursive.


Daniel Macks

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