Alexander Strange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/x11
> Added Files:
> --- NEW FILE: ---
> Package: gimp-freefonts
> Version: 0.10
> Revision: 2
> Depends: xfontpath
> PostInstScript: <<
> #!/bin/sh
>       if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath; then
>               %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install freefont
>       fi
>       if test -f /etc/X11/XftConfig; then
>               if grep -v -q `%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/freefont /etc/X11/XftConfig; 
> then
>                       echo dir \"`%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/freefont\" >> 
> /etc/X11/XftConfig
>               fi
>       fi
>       echo "All done.  You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts"
>       echo "in some applications."

I'm going kinda cross-eyed looking at all this, so I might have some
fundamental misunderstand here, but...

Why do you only sometimes do a -x test for xfontpath before calling
it? If it's not present but XftXConfig is, this script will crash. I
don't know much about xfontpath, but it appears that its presence
affects the installation footprint of gimp-freefonts, which isn't

I see you have a Depends:xfontpath, but I don't know if fink and dpkg
have a deterministic order when installing multiple packages at once.
Maybe you should first do a -x test and then crash with a "you must
have xfontpath installed before attempting to install gimp-freefonts"

You do the same thing in the PostRmScript, but now there's an even
weirder dependency/ordering problem: you must have xfontpath installed
in order to uninstall gimp-freefonts.


Daniel Macks

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