On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 09:29:16AM +0100, Martin Costabel wrote:
> On 23 janv. 2004, at 07:38, Daniel Macks wrote:
> >
> >I see you have a Depends:xfontpath, but I don't know if fink and dpkg
> >have a deterministic order when installing multiple packages at once.
> >Maybe you should first do a -x test and then crash with a "you must
> >have xfontpath installed before attempting to install gimp-freefonts"
> >message.
> This discussion is getting weirder and weirder. I know that the fink 
> dep engine has evolved, but if one cannot any more rely on the fact 
> that dependencies are installed *before* a package gets built and/or 
> installed, then something must be seriously wrong.

It was someting of a leap in my mind to presume that 'fink install foo
bar' where foo depends:bar would call dpkg -i for bar before foo,
given that they are both installed by the end of the fink run.
Testing, however, finds that fink does the Right Thing here. Objection
withdrawn. So why do you *ever* do '-x xfontconfig' in your *Script?


Daniel Macks

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