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can you offer a complete package with proper licensing now? Where can we
get your 'official' version from? It would be more appropriate than us
putting too much weight on an email ;)



Harbour, Nicholas wrote:

| Don't worry, it is released under GPL now.  I always wanted it that
way but
| it took some convincing for my higher ups.
| And yes, that notice warning is crap.  I borrowed those files and
| used gnu readline so that later someone could come along and notice
them and
| force my lab to release it under the GPL.  Subterfuge I know, but it
| Nick.
| p.s.  You're lucky,  I haven't worked here for 2 years and just came back
| and got my email account reactivated :)
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Martin Langhoff (NZL) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:40 PM
| To: Remi Mommsen
| Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; James Kelly; Harbour, Nicholas
| Subject: Re: [Fink-devel] fatback in fink
| Remi Mommsen wrote:
| | ********************************************
| | * NOTICE:
| | * The following license applies only to the
| | * files getopt.c, getopt.h, and getopt1.c.
| | * these are borrowed from glibc.
| | * This licence does not in any way apply
| | * to the remainder of the fatback program
| | *********************************************
| afaik, glibc is available under LGPL. While LGPL does allow switching to
| GPL, that would put the whole program under the GPL, and is not what the
| author seems to want (more on that later).
| Oddly, the files do mention the GPL in the headers. They are certainly
| available as LGPL, an that would make fatback redistributable within the
| license that controls the glibc files.
| |    Copyright (C) 2000-2001 DoD Computer Forensics Lab This manual and
| | the Fatback program are for *government and law enforcement use only*.
| Well, that is a clear stop on distribution. And completely valid with
| glibc under LGPL. it seems to be widely available. Sourceforge carries
| it, at the very least, and someone has packaged it for distribution,
| with an AUTHORS file and the (incorrect) note in COPYING. Of course,
| this could mean internal distribution at DoD.
| The AUTHORS file and comments in the sources mention Nicholas Harbour,
| so CC'd him.
| | Fatback version 0.1 was written by Nicholas Harbour of the
| | DoD Computer Forensics Lab.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| |
| | Fatback is currently maintained by Nicholas Harbour of the
| | DoD Computer Forensics Lab.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| cheers,
| martin

- --
- --
Martin Langhoff |||| http://nzl.com.ar/

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