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On Mar 8, 2005, at 10:00 AM, David R. Morrison wrote:

On Mar 5, 2005, at 10:01 PM, Tony Arnold wrote:

Hi All,

Peter O'Gorman wrote:
| I really wish I could propose some magic that would make everyone happy in
| the upgrade process, but I can not.

Is package refactoring something that's planned for the future? I've hit this a couple of times before, and the response has always been don't rename/restructure packages that are in wide use (and rightly so given the current situation), but this problem is unlikely to disappear...

This is a general issue with the fink system: once a package is published and other packages depend upon it, they expect it to continue to provide the same functionality forever.

The case at hand is tricky. For quite good reasons, it is being proposed to move some of the executable files out of the gettext-bin package and into a new package (gettext-tools). Since quite a number of packages already declare Depends or BuildDepends on gettext-bin, how is this upgrade to be handled?

Here's one possible strategy.
Step 1: Create a gettext-tools package for the current gettext, which
contains only the exectables which will be moving, and which
Replaces: gettext-bin
That way, users who install it see no change in the set of exectuables
on their system, unless they subsequent remove gettext-tools without
reinstalling gettext-bin.
Step 2: add gettext-tools to every package which Depends or
BuildDepends on gettext-bin.
Step 3: install the new libgettext3 with the new layout.

The reason for doing things in this order is so that during the upgrade process itself, users have the correct executables even while other packages are being updated.

Comments? Other ideas?

The Best way to find the correct builddepends is to not add gettext-tools to the packages and try to build (like during the bindist). The smoothest upgrade is to add the gettext-tools as builddeps to everything that builddeps gettext-bin. Not as many things need -tools though. It's used more for processing/creating language files than for normal package building (which just copies those files).

- -chris zubrzycki
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