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On May 30, 2005, at 7:51 AM, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

"David" == David R Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> No.  It appears that you have an old version of the fink
David> package manager, or perhaps you are running the stable tree
David> only?

Yes, I'm running stable.

"fink selfupdate" should have contained some notice that I need to
update something *beyond* what normally "works".

As it stands, anyone else in my situation (having installed fink on
10.3, and using selfupdate on the stable branch to stay functional,
but has now upgraded to 10.4) is also broken.  Are they all supposed
to just magically know to go check the website to fix something?

No, I talked to Dave on irc about this, and we realized the problem was that the version of fink that knows about 10.4 never made it into 10.3/stable. Only the unstable distribution had this, so even though you did a selfupdate, that fink would never know to change the distribution line.

- -chris zubrzycki
- - --
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