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On Jun 1, 2005, at 1:40 AM, Dave Vasilevsky wrote:

On Jun 1, 2005, at 1:27 AM, William Scott wrote:

I have do have separate repositories. So for this example ccp4 revision
200 is in 10.4 and revision 100 is in 10.3, and was built with 10.3.

For whatever reason, the 10.3 user is only seeing the 10.4 tree, even
though the 10.3 stuff is also present, i.e.,


You're giving users the sources like 'deb http://xanana.ucsc.edu/ fink stable main crypto'. Apt doesn't know about 10.3/10.4, it just follows the 'dist' symlink in http://xanana.ucsc.edu/fink, which currently points to 10.4-transitional.

You can make another directory http://xanana.ucsc.edu/fink-10.3 that contains symlinks to everything in http://xanana.ucsc.edu/ fink, EXCEPT for 'dist' which should point to '10.3'. Then tell 10.3 users to use the source 'deb http://xanana.ucsc.edu/fink-10.3 stable main crypto' and things should work fine.

The easiest way I found was to use aliases in apache, and have the dists dir from a url go to the correct dist tree...i dont have the config on hand, unfortunately, but it wasn't too hard. (I think) :-)

- -chris zubrzycki
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