
--On 17. Juni 2005 9:14:48 Uhr +0200 claude pomalo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

domme people have ask me for a macosx version of my linux programm
source are here
(english page is not up to date)
read here http://www.backerstreet.com/traindir/
it need gtk1.2 to build
can anyone buil and test a binary version for macosx?

a binary version is probably no good, because it would depend on libraries that may not be there. gtk is not normally available on a Mac. I got the program to compile and run by modifying the Makefile like this:

- CFLAGS +=  -g $(GLIBINC) $(GTKINC) #-static
+ CFLAGS += -D__unix -D__unix__ -g $(GLIBINC) $(GTKINC) #-static

That's a hack, but it works ...
Sebastian Hagedorn

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