On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 09:28:59AM +0200, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> Hi,
> --On 17. Juni 2005 9:14:48 Uhr +0200 claude pomalo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >domme people have ask me for a macosx version of my linux programm
> >source are here
> >http://xtsl.free.fr/119c/traindir-1.19c-src.tar.bz2
> >(english page is not up to date)
> >read here http://www.backerstreet.com/traindir/
> >it need gtk1.2 to build
> >can anyone buil and test a binary version for macosx?
> a binary version is probably no good, because it would depend on
> libraries that may not be there.  gtk is not normally available on a
> Mac.

Building it static would avoid needing non-standard libs. OTOH, Fink's
glib package only provides the dynamic library so I can't test it.

claude: have you considered upgrading to use gtk2? Lots of new
features for user GUI control, lots of new features for developers. As
a bonus, fink has it static so someone could more easily help you get
a staticly linked program.

> I got the program to compile and run by modifying the Makefile
> like this:
> - CFLAGS +=  -g $(GLIBINC) $(GTKINC) #-static
> + CFLAGS += -D__unix -D__unix__ -g $(GLIBINC) $(GTKINC) #-static

Only need one of those -D__unix__

claude: in order to make this thing more portable, consider wrapping
all of the #include <malloc.h> in a #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H. That header
is not present on all platforms. Maybe put #define HAVE_MALLOC_H in a
config.h file that all sources #include? That way users can make one
adjustment (commenting-out that #define) instead of having to patch
all the source files individually.

In Makefile, better to collect the GLIBINC and GTKINC in CPPFLAGS;
there's no reason to pass -I and other .c->.o flags to the linker.
Doing so will help you notice that ne of the OBJS is actually a .c
(cut'n'paste error from SRCS?). Also, you don't ever create BINDIR;
that prevents "make install" from working if user doesn't yet have a
/usr/local/bin directory.

setup_trdir.sh doesn't work very well. You hard-code a prefix there
that may not be the one used during installation. Part of the make
process should adjust those paths to be the ones that will actually be


Daniel Macks

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