Just thought I'd point out that the system version is broken, it crashes on some queries, apple have acknowledged this and it will apparently be fixed with 10.4.2, there is potential here that we may end up moving people from a working net-snmp (but old) to a half broken new version.


                       Cian Hughes

On 21 Jun 2005, at 16:20, TheSin wrote:

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php4 and php5 both depend on it, let me rework to link against the system version and provide a good upgrade path.
- ---
Chaos is the beginning and end, try dealing with the rest.

On 21-Jun-05, at 1:07 AM, Jeremy Higgs wrote:

On 20/06/2005, at 3:04, Martin Costabel wrote:

Jeremy Higgs wrote:

Hi everyone,
I've been trying to get a lot of my packages working on Tiger, and  have finally gotten around to net-snmp. I noticed (from discussions  on the list, and a bit of playing around) that net-snmp 5.2 is  actually included in the base system. Given this, is there really a  need for a net-snmp package? Perhaps if someone wants an OpenSSL- enabled version...
On that note, there are some patches in the Darwin source. (http:// darwinsource.opendarwin.org/10.4.1/net_snmp-16/patches/) Does anyone  know what the license is for these? I was hoping to use these for the  Fink package...

According to the license file on the server http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/10.4.1/net_snmp-16/net_snmp.txt, the package has a BSD license. I would assume that this covers the patches, too.

OTOH, it is perhaps a good idea to get rid of the package altogether. On Panther already fink's version was older than the system one.

Would anyone have any objections to this? I would tend to agree with Martin, since it's included with the system now, and isn't a terribly important package.

If there are no dependencies and no objections, I'll remove it from the 10.4-transitional and 10.3 trees in the near future...



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