On 11 Sep 2005, at 20:58, Martin Costabel wrote:

Dave Vasilevsky wrote:

To prevent this, Fink (from CVS HEAD) now refuses to install anything unless it determines that all dependencies on the system will be satisfied. Currently there's a primitive problem-resolver algorithm in Fink, which can deal with the specific situation above but not much else. The general solution is running 'apt-get -f install', as you did. If anybody has a problem with this new way of doing things, now's the time to tell me. I could make Fink less strict if people need the ability to have some broken deps.

Maybe some additional output would be useful. I was at the standard verbosity level, and from the error message I didn't understand at all what to do about this. Maybe if at verbosity 2 (standard) it already said that it was the gdal and gdal-shlibs packages that had problems with their dependencies, this would be useful and would allow to look at them and detect that they were at different version numbers.

I would think some way to opt-out of the scheme, on a pkg by pkg basis
(say in the spirit of dpkg's --auto-deconfigure), would be needed.

After updating fink-HEAD and selfupdating, I issue a command to update
in this order the following ("families of") pkgs:
python22 python22-socket-ssl python23 python23-socket-ssl python24 python24-socket-ssl passwd fontforge qt3 kdebase3-unified
The following package will be rebuilt:
The following additional package will be installed:
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] (assuming default)
Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies! The following errors remain:
  Unsatisfied dependency in font-ttf-pm-bin: font-ttf-pm (= 0.34-1)
  Unsatisfied dependency in peacock: gtkhtml
  Unsatisfied dependency in wv2-shlibs: libgettext3
Unsatisfied dependency in libgnomedb-shlibs: libgettext3 (>= 0.10.40-5)
  Unsatisfied dependency in anubis: gpgme
  Unsatisfied dependency in conglomerate: libgettext3
  Unsatisfied dependency in gtkmm2-shlibs: libgettext3
  Unsatisfied dependency in pwlib-bin: pwlib-shlibs (= 1.5.2-12)
  Unsatisfied dependency in lablgtk: libgettext3
  Unsatisfied dependency in gtkmm2: libgettext3
  Unsatisfied dependency in mldonkey: libgettext3
  Unsatisfied dependency in ximian-connector: gtkhtml3 (>= 3.2.1-1)
  Unsatisfied dependency in module-signature-pm586-bin:
module-signature-pm586 (= 0.44-2)
  Unsatisfied dependency in xine-ui: xfree86-base-threaded-shlibs
  Unsatisfied dependency in xine-ui: xfree86-rootless-threaded-shlibs
  Unsatisfied dependency in gtetrinet2: gnome-vfs2-shlibs
  Conflict of ppower4: pdfslide is satisfied by pdfslide
  Unsatisfied dependency in totem: libxine (>= 1-rc5-25)

To fix manually, run:
  fink scanpackages
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install db3=3.3.11-26

Most of them I could fix by hand (the libgettext3 stuff dates from the time we were asked to test that new pkg); but any fink command to do this (eg,
"fink install gtkhtml") LEADS BACK TO THE SAME MSG !
Now several things can be done with just the dpkg commands, but for some
one has to modify the info file, to change the deps, and then actually
rebuild (and reinstall) the pkg _ and for this ONE NEEDS FINK.
Others (eg, the conflict) are there because I deliberately decided to ignore the conflict,
and to know which pause.sty came first in my TEXINPUTS path, and to mv
things when needed. For this type of thing, an opt-out mechanism would be useful,
to avoid the cost of having every time to modify one or two info-files
_ eg to introduce an update-alternatives mechanism for pause.sty _ ,
and to rebuild both pkgs.
An additional reason is that in some cases the pkgs involved may still be perfectly functional, but for one or other reason one of them no longer builds (eg, totem).

JF Mertens

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