Martin Costabel wrote:
William Scott wrote:
Yesterday I impulse-purchased an imac intel.
Today, in order to avoid parental responsibilities, I am trying to
get fink working.
(I accidently transfered my older /sw from my G4 laptop and a
surprising amount works, but today moved that out of the way and
started anew.)
My first problem emerged with fftw. It wants to install g77. (g77
is also available, but of course it didn't compile.) Is there a
feedback mechanism I should use to report this sort of thing, or
should I try to fix it to compile with gfortran, or what?
Also, I just noticed intel has made a demo available free for a month
of its fortran compiler, FWIW.
There are rumours that gfortran works on intel, but so far nobody has
come forward with a patch for the Fink gcc4 package to make it compile.
Simply replacing the sources with the latest available gcc-4.1
snapshot doesn't work either.
The g95 package compiles, so you could try that.
g95 does work on intel (gfortran doesn't). I've recently modified
octave, fftw, and scipy-py to use g95. I'll be working on converting
all packages to use g95.
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