Dear Community

I have carefully reviewed the statistics that we generate for our
Package Database and the recent articles published for our Release of
version 0.8.1

In doing that I have noticed that German spoken countries are the
second largest community using our service, as such I would like to
improve our services in their native tongue. This of course mainly
applies to documentation and all the items that we would have to

I am a native German speaker myself and I have to admit that I am
rather lazy when it comes to translating the web-site and keeping it
up to date, that is why I am asking for help.
Are any of you willing to spend some of your time to keep the German
translations as current as possible. We had had some tremendous work
put in by everyone, especially the French translation team and as out
community is so big in the German spoken countries I would like to see
them provided with up-to-date translations as well.

I will try to start working on some of the items that are outdated or
not translated at all yet on the weekend. however I would appreciate
your help. As PR guy I am starting to get bogged down by other
responsibilities more and more.
Should you be interested, please drop me an email offline, as well as
the fink-i18n list.

Thank you!

PS: This message has been cross-posted, please do NOT reply to all lists!

Sent from gmail so do not trust this communication.
Do not send me sensitive information here, ask for my none-gmail accounts.

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