Dear Community.

Customer Feedback and statements on the quality of a product or
service that come directly from the community are very important for
any company that tries to make money.

They are equally important to us. Your opinion matters, because what
you think of us as a project can very well influence the decisions
others make.

I am looking for your user testimonials.
Short, precise statements that include a simple set of basic questions
covered are most likely to be included:

Why (e.g. I am a Professor for applied molecular science, I use blah blah..)
How has it changed your work/private Mac experience (e.g. Using Fink
makes it easier for me to deploy all the necessary scientific software
on my Macintosh)
What (e.g. Fink's vast amount of scientific packages made it my first choice)

Feel free to include more general statements as well.
No statement will go unmentioned, I plan on creating a testimonials
web-page that will hold ALL submitted statements, however, the ones
that are more likely to influence other people in the same field of
work (for example scientists) will be featured more prominently.

This is not meant to be a marketing to ploy, we are not interested in
making money. Good Press and good user testimonials make us a more
valuable choice for possible sponsors, which will allow us to do more
for our community.
Please be honest, mean what you write and do not forget to include the
following information:
Fink user since:

Please also include:
"I, your name, hereby grant the Fink Developer Network right of use
and enjoyment of all statements made below:"

Thank you very much!

Sent from gmail so do not trust this communication.
Do not send me sensitive information here, ask for my none-gmail accounts.

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