On Jan 12, 2006, at 1:18 PM, Alexander K. Hansen wrote:

Before we release a new bindist, I'd like to update the documentation.

I subscribe to an unrelated list in which an individual described Fink as "a load of crap". He's a recent Linux-to-Mac convert and, while trying to install LaTeX, found the Fink experience to be confusing. He then tried the same task with Darwinports and apparently had no trouble. Following up with him off-list, here's what he had to say:

"Mostly having to do with X11 configuration. I was more or less not in the mood to look up more information on getting it setup with fink. it just seemed like more work than just getting darwinports working. thehardest part of it all was figuring out WHICH package to actually install. i'm sure fink works fine for a lot of people, and as a former debian user, i wanted it to work but it just wasn't as seamless as darwinports feels for me. no idea why, but as i said i didn't give it much of a chance."

So how does this relate to documentation? Well, I was a Linux-to-Mac switcher, too, and I seem to recall also being a little confused about X11 when I first installed Fink nearly two years ago. Perhaps we should review the Fink docs from a newbie perspective and see what can be clarified, especially with regard to X11. Maybe there needs to be a more prominent "Getting Started" document that doesn't mention anything about X11 other than to tell the reader to download Apple's version. Anything about X11 alternatives, virtual packages, etc. can be left out.


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