On 1/12/06, Benjamin Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Trevor Harmon wrote:
> > So how does this relate to documentation? Well, I was a Linux-to-Mac
> > switcher, too, and I seem to recall also being a little confused about
> > X11 when I first installed Fink nearly two years ago. Perhaps we should
> > review the Fink docs from a newbie perspective and see what can be
> > clarified, especially with regard to X11. Maybe there needs to be a more
> > prominent "Getting Started" document that doesn't mention anything about
> > X11 other than to tell the reader to download Apple's version. Anything
> > about X11 alternatives, virtual packages, etc. can be left out.
> I think that's a fine idea.  Apple's X11 is Good Enough (TM) for 99% of
> the users out there, and for those whom it isn't, they're capable of
> figuring out how to get another.  :)
> - --
> Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick
> http://ranger.befunk.com/

Yeah--looking at the "sorting out X11" item in the User's Guide (3.7),
it's pretty obvious that it was originally written before Apple's X11
was the X11 flavor of choice for the majority of users.

A Quick Start document would indeed help to cut through some of the confusion.

Alexander K. Hansen
Fink Documenter
[Day Job] Levitated Dipole Experiment

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