Despite a crash during "make test", it installed OK for me (last week from unstable on 10.4) after I installed mac-glue-pm, but I didn't look into it closely enough to see the cause. To look for bad files I ran this:

% locate

% locate growl | grep -v PreferencePane
/sw/fink/10.4-transitional/unstable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/libs/ perlmods/mac-growl-pm586_0.7-10_darwin-powerpc.deb /sw/fink/10.4-transitional/unstable/main/finkinfo/libs/perlmods/mac-

So, nothing Growl-related in /System for me. I looked over the .info and I can't see any mistakes. I can't see how it could have installed anything into /System, unless it's Mac::Glue's fault. I see in Mac::Growl's Makefile.PL that it is trying to copy files into $Mac::Glue::Common::MACGLUEDIR but ONLY if you are running Mac::Glue older than v1.24. Perhaps mac-growl-pm needs to depend on mac-glue- pm >= 1.24?


On Jan 16, 2006, at 3:15 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:

Could someone for whom mac-growl-pm586 builds and works please fix it?

On October 8 2005 I sent en error report to fink-users with CC to the maintainer (thesin). Nothing happened except that someone (Daniel Johnson) said that it built for him.

Today the same error is reported on the beginners list. When I wanted to check the situation, it crashed for me in the same way, and not only that:

*It still installs - during the build phase! - things into /System/ Library/.*

I think this is such an outrageous behavior that the package, if it is not fixed soon, needs to be scrapped.


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