okay, your right currently in unstable it doesn't I was showing why it doesn't on a local copy.

it does work fine in 98% of cases, there are just some ppl that the tests fail on, and that is likely cause growl isn't working or the app didn't register with growlhelperapp. And it doesn't ever "install" things in /System, it just runs the glue dict which is a binary that comes with mac-glue and is REQUIRED for anything to use glue. Not saying it's better just explaining it. mac-growl has three different mechs inside it, and mac-glue is only one of them, there is applescript via osascript and an or one mac-carbon maybe, I forget without looking in the code. Anyhow Glue is not required unless that is the way you want to use it. That is why the pkg needs switches so I can turn glue off all together.

as for that test that crashes I have no idea why I can not reproduce it to fix it. I don't think he has to do with the aqua interface though, mac-glue requires access to aqua via growlhelperapp, so if your box is at the login screen and you ssh'd in and installed it, it will fail. though I'm sure there are other reasons for it to fail as well.
Chaos is the beginning and end, try dealing with the rest.

On 17-Jan-06, at 3:17 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

There must be something else going on here. I have mldbm-pm installed (the old, unfixed version, which in my case apparently did *not* try to include perl581-core), but I don't have any mac- glue package installed, and mac-growl-pm586 does *not* propose to install mac-glue-pm586.

Then there is also the claim by some people that their mac-growl actually builds without problem, and the additional claim that their mac-growl does *not* install anything in /System/Library. I don't know if these claims are true, but they have been made on the lists.

I can install or uninstall the mac-glue packages, but the behavior (build crash) of mac-growl remains exactly the same.

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