Am 21.03.2006 um 02:45 schrieb Alexander K. Hansen:


I think we can all agree that fixing typos requires no particular
expertise with the package in question (and saves the maintainer from
being inundated with messages about the problem).

Indeed, fully agreed.

That is, as long as the person making the fix makes sure to apply it to all versions of a given package. It can be quite annoying to discover (or rather, not discover) that your 10.4 main package has been fixed while the version in the 10.3 tree / in the 10.4 crypto tree has not been fixed :-/

Changing a package for architecture-specific reasons is more
problematic, I agree.  Since the 10.4 source distro is set up to work
jointly for Intel and PPC, we don't have the option for maintainers
only to maintain for one or the other.

Indeed. And while I am glad if people fix compilation of my stuff on Intel, I would at least be able to understand why a change was necessary. Hence, I'd like to get a mail, and ideally such changes should also be documented in DescPackaging/DescPort.

Here's the issue as I see it:  when there's a problem with a package
and the maintainer doesn't respond in a timely manner it's frustrating
for the users.  They take it out on the general lists.

The first item I mentioned is clear-cut in that regard:  there's a
problem whose solution is readily apparent.  Why not have some
qualified party make the change quickly so that the package actually

I am skeptical about that. What makes somebody a "qualified party", exactly? Plus, why can't that "qualified party" make the fix, then mail the patched .info file(s) to both the user with a problem, for testing ("Does this solve your problem?"), *and* to the package maintainer, for review?

Furthermore, do we really want to let ourselves be blackmailed by users who complain about bad support just because they didn't receive help after a couple hours?

We have two main support channels: The maintainer, and the fink mailing lists. If a user discusses my packages on fink-users, then unfortunately, I have no easy way of knowing (subscribing to that list is not an option for me anymore, sorry). However, if it is determined there that a change is required, it is usually sufficient to forward this to the maintainer. Do you really think the delay caused by this alienates users? After all, the solution was already explained there, and if a modified .info file is required, you can send it to them already, even before the maintainer checked in the file.

The second channel is direct contact with the maintainer. If I get a report directly sent to me via email, then I try to resolve it quickly (usually it's done by just pointing them to the FAQ). Build issues I fix or tell them when I will fix 'em. For Intel problems, currently I am telling them that I can't help since I have no Intel system. For the latter, it would indeed be nice if there was an official channel to whom to delegate such problems. However, I still would want that I am informed about the required changes.

If you think that you absolutely *must* checkin a fix immediately (e.g. because the old version of the package can cause system files to be deleted), then still, I think the maintainer should at least be notified! Anything else is untenable IMHO.

The second item is more difficult.  If the maintainer has responded to
the user in a timely manner and forwarded the message on to -devel (or
possibly we need an intel-specific list) saying that they don't own an
Intel Mac to verify a problem, then they're at engaged in the process,
and any change should be made with their approval.  If they just send
a message to the user saying "sorry, I don't do Intel" and leave it at
that, or don't bother to respond at all, then in my view they've
abrogated their right to gripe about changes made that don't break
things on PowerPC.

Well, in my eyes, those "rights" were already severely cut when those packages where moved to the intel tree, without the maintainers being involved in anyway. Again, I understand the logistic reasons for this. But: by this process, the packages were marked (in the eyes of the users that will vent their frustration to the general lists or by emailing the maintainer) as ready for usage on Intel -- even though those packages in some cases don't work (yet) at all, may not even compile. After getting the tenth mail complaining about the package being broken on intel, a package maintainer IMO is entitled to feel frustration, too, don't you think? And write according replys.

Hence, I wouldn't be so rash with disowning us. But if you think that's the right way, then we must add a way to make maintainers arch specific.


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