On 29 Jun 2007, at 3:38:01 PM, John & Mary Linge wrote:

> I attempted to upgrade from gnucash 1.8.11-1024 to 1.8.12-11. I could
> not because of a restrictive dependency on Perl 5.8.6, which isn't  
> even
> available any longer through Fink. I have Perl 5.8.8 installed, but
> apparently gnucash can't use it.
> Thanks for any help you can give.
> By the way, I attempted to install 2.0.1-1 with the same error  
> messages.
> --
> Package manager version: 0.27.1
> Distribution version: 0.8.1.rsync powerpc
> Mac OS X version: 10.4.10
> Xcode version: 2.4
> gcc version: 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)
> make version: 3.80
> Feedback Courtesy of FinkCommander
I'm currently running gnucash2-2.0.5 against fink's perl 5.8.8, but  
you do have to make sure that all the gnucash's perl dependencies  
(finance-quote and its dependencies) were built with perl 5.8.8 too  
-- the names for all those dependencies have -pm588 in them (or no - 
pmxxx at all).

You might even be able to make it work just by removing fink's perl  
5.8.8 (provided your 'built-in' 5.8.6 is still in its usual place).

2.0.5 is much better than 1.8.x (IMO).  In a pinch you can even go  
back and forth as long as you're willing to swap versions with fink  
when ever you want to change. (That swapping won't be possible when  
2.2 is released in a few weeks. 2.2 will still read the 1.8 file, but  
you won't be able to go back with the data to the earlier version.)

David Reiser

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