On Sep 11, 2007, at 9:47 AM, Alexander K. Hansen wrote:

> Jack Howarth wrote:
>> Brent,
>>     Are you trying to bootstrap Leopard from a fink cvs pull?
>> You do realize that you have to use a cvs pull from fink and
>> not any of the release tarballs for fink. The instructions for
>> pull from the fink cvs are at...
>> http://www.finkproject.org/doc/cvsaccess/index.php
>> these are correct except, I believe currently you have to execute
>> sudo csh
>> ./bootstrap
>> instead of ./inject.pl to cause a bootstrap build from the fink
>> cvs. I think those instructions are out of date.
>>                  Jack
> The instructions are outdated, but they're also not for bootstrapping,
> but rather for updating fink--current instructions for that reside in
> the fink tarball.  And bootstrap doesn't need to be done in csh.
> I had thought that 0.27.6 is Leopard-compliant (supposedly).

Actually, its not, but the minor fixes needed are in both cvs HEAD  
and cvs branch_0_27 (ready for the next release).

However, the things being fixed by those minor fixes do not  
correspond to the errors seen by the original poster.  Those errors  
mystify me, and I second Peter O'Gorman's suggestion that Brent  
should file a bug report with Apple.

   -- Dave

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