John Ridgway wrote:
> Friends -
> I am thinking about tackling (once more) the idea of adding TeXLive to  
> Fink (unless someone is already working on it -- I haven't been  
> reading the posts recently); 

I am following the mailing lists quite closely, and I haven't seen 
anyone declaring a firm intention to make such packages.

The latest thing close to such an intention was a post by Max Horn on 
this list back in May 2008 in a discussion in which you participated. 
This was not about real texlive packages, only a virtual package that 
allowed to use a self-installed texlive instead of Fink's texmf 
packages. Is this still what you intend to create? Nothing came of that 
discussion, anyway.

Otherwise there were discussions on the fink-beginners list, in April 
and August 2008, for example. What was pointed out is that both debian 
and macports have (full, not ony virtual) texlive packages that could be 
studied as recipes for making Fink packages, but that this would require 
hard work.


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