After spending time trying to build apbs in SnowLeopard 32-bit Fink, I 
have identified a source of breakage, but I have not yet found a good 

CompileScripts that run in zsh, like apbs which has
#!/bin/zsh -efv
have a good chance to break on 32-bit Fink on SL. The reason is the 

SL has /etc/zshenv, which didn't exist before. This script is always 
executed at startup of zsh, and according to man zsh, this behavior 
cannot be overridden. Now /etc/zshenv runs /usr/libexec/path_helper, and 
this places the system path /usr/bin in front of Fink's path.

In particular, "gcc" will then be /usr/bin/gcc, and not the carefully 
crafted /sw/var/lib/fink/path-prefix-10.6/gcc, and therefore it will not 
have the "-arch i386" flag, and it will build for the x86_64 
architecture, which causes breakage in 32bit Fink.

Somehow one needs to place that path-prefix back in front of the PATH, 
but since this is distribution and architecture dependent, to do so can 
become quite a mess.

On a related note: How does one tell gfortran (from Fink's gcc44) to 
build either 32bit or 64bit executables? It does not seem to understand 
the -arch flag. The same question goes for all Fink-built compilers. If 
there is no reasonable answer, then this would be a further argument 
against keeping 32bit Fink on SnowLeopard.


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