A couple more comments before I go. One recent episode
that stuck in my craw was the breakage of the unzip 3.0 package
on 10.4. I would mention that...

1) I posted the proposed packaging on fink tracking.
2) At least one core maintainer had no objections to the
concept of upgrading those.
3) I tested the packaging on all systems I had available
(ppc 10.5/i386 10.5/x86_64 10.5/i386 10.6/x86_64 10.6).
4) I emailed the current maintainer at all the addresses
I could find and have yet to hear back weeks later.

After upgrading the packages in unstable, I discovered
through a snide cvs log entry (rather than an email)
that the unzip package had issues building on 10.4.
I immediately proposed a fix which user shortly tested on 10.4
and posted so on the list. Now if there was less concern
about the trappings of maintaining a project than the
actual output, one would think that package would have
been updated. No...that would make too much sense.
Better leave it regressed to make the point that I
create broken packages.
   Lastly, whenever the subject of non-maintainer
updates has arisen, even to only move the current
unstable packaging (which builds on x86_64 and 10.6)
to stable, the immediate reaction of our fine troika
is to attack and condemn without first asking had
I emailed the maintainer privately. And I am the
one accused of persistent rude behavior...please.

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