Tested on 10.5.8 (all software updates installed; Core2Duo) _ both  
32bit and 64bit.

There was no distribution field to comment out, so the thing ran  
after "fink selfupdate" _  no time to add  "-m" ...
But "fink check on the debs" is OK (on 64bit), and I see no TestScript..

I notice there is buildconflicts for ccache-default :
this breaks the operation of ccache on anything _ fink or not! _ going  
on in parallel..
An "export CCACHE_DISABLE=1" (instead of the current "env  
so as to apply also to the make command, not only the configure command)
should suffice in principle ...

Build went through w/o problem on 64bit, but on 32bit (same machine)  
failed with the strange "Too many open files" :

> Making all in intl-java
> /bin/sh ../javacomp.sh -d . ./gnu/gettext/GettextResource.java
> ./gnu/gettext/GettextResource.java:1: error: Cannot read the source  
> from ./gnu/gettext/GettextResource.java due to internal exception  
> java.io.FileNotFoundException:./gnu/gettext/GettextResource.java  
> (Too many open files)
> 1 problem (1 error)



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