On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 03:01:21PM +0200, Jean-François Mertens wrote:
> On 19 Apr 2010, at 21:03, Peter O'Gorman wrote:
>> What was the solution for the issue of some packages having depends on
>> gcc44?
> Had this problem only with gclasspath and melina
> "de facto" solution was clearly to use --forece-depends,
> then switched deps of 2 pkgs and rebuild them.
> I don't think there is a way, given current packaging, to avoid
> this use of --force ; and it is utterly unrealistic to expect the user
> to remember to do a "fink remove A B" before a "fink update-all"
> For gclasspath, from reading its DescPackaging,
> the dep is not needed.
> So it might be best to switch that dep to a Recommends..
> _ Trevor ?
> For melina, if I remember well it consists of a bunch of scripts, *.f,  
> makefiles, etc,
> + static libs; and the scripts create at runtime executables by  
> compiling and linking
> user input with the static libs
> I'm not sure whether something would break using a melina compiled with 
> gcc44
> when running gcc45 (i.e., whether some dep on a virtual pkg, say  
> "gfortran", might suffice
> or just a bdep on gcc4n and a dep on gcc4n | gcc4{n+1}).
> The maintainer certainly knows better :)
> JF

  I have been pondering the idea of adding a gcc45-dev splitoff
that would contain the %p/bin compiler symlinks so that the
Conflicts could be changed from gcc4x to gcc4x-dev and a
functional compiler would be remain when gcc4x-dev was deinstalled.
Unfortunately this will coordinated changes in all of the gcc4x
packages and those packages that use them.

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