On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:55:50AM -0700, Trevor Harmon wrote:
> On Apr 20, 2010, at 6:01 AM, Jean-François Mertens wrote:
> > For gclasspath, from reading its DescPackaging,
> > the dep is not needed.
> > So it might be best to switch that dep to a Recommends..
> > _ Trevor ?
> gclasspath is dependent on gcc43 because both packages provide some of the 
> same files (e.g. grmic), and it was easiest to have gclasspath simply defer 
> to gcc43 for the installation of those files. If the gcc43 dependency is 
> changed to a recommends, then that's a problem because it means those files 
> might not get installed at all.
> Trevor

   One other question, do the packages that require gclasspath currently
work fine on i386 and x86_64 fink? I ask because the gcc4x packages
prior to gcc 4.5.0 are unable to compile java code with gcj on
intel darwin. This is fixed for 10.6 on both i386 and x86_64 fink
however the changes for libgcc_ext (which cause the system libgcc
to always be used) trigger a different unwinder compatibility bug
that breaks gcj compiling java code on powerpc. So this does represent
a reason for both supporting -gcc4x variants of gclasspath and
perhaps allowing gcc4x to co-exist in a functional form (with a new
gcc4x-bin or gcc4x-dev split-off to provide symlinks in %p/bin).
ps I should add that i386 and x86_64 10.5 fink have the same problem
with gcj compiling java code, but the escape hatch of upgrading to
10.6 is available there. Again the reason this doesn't occur on 10.6
is that a libSystem compatibility unwinder is used for Snow Leopard
whereas a true system libgcc is used for the unwinder for Leopard.
Different code with tickling different bugs.

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