Hanspeter Niederstrasser <hanspe...@snaggledworks.com> said:
> Running 'fink -m --build-as-nobody libfaad1-shlibs' gives this as part 
> of the output:
> ...
> Validating package file 
> /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/x11/appleotffonts.info...
> Package looks good!
> Validating package file 
> /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/x11/applesystemfonts.info...
> ...
> (and 35 other .info files that validate correctly)
> So I cancel, and then manually try to install a few of the 71 needed 
> packages:
> $ fink -m --build-as-nobody build xz appleotffonts applesystemfonts 
> audiofile audiofile-bin audiofile-shlibs
> Information about 10693 packages read in 0 seconds.
> Running in Maintainer Mode
> Validating package file 
> /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/utils/xz.info...
> Package looks good!
> Validating package file 
> /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/x11/appleotffonts.info...
> Warning: Length of package description exceeds 45 characters. 
> (appleotffonts.info)
> Failed: Please correct the above problems and try again!
> Easy enough to fix the offending file, but the validator should be 
> consistent.

A few of the pedantic validation tests are disabled for
indirectly-handled packages. Tests that indicate something serious or
functionally at risk are still enabled. The reason is that maintainers
are working on *their* packages, so they shouldn't have to fix minor
formatting bugs in "not their package" while they are working on their
own package. At the time -m mode was added (and still) maintainers
tend(ed) to ignore the length-limits, and complained that package
development was being blocked by others' mistakes. So until we do a
sweep to fix it and come down harder on maintainers who commit
packages that don't validate, that's still a valid complaint. I'm not
opposed to that sort of validation pass.


Daniel Macks

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