At Tue, 11 Jan 2011 20:26:59 +0100,
Martin Costabel wrote:
> On 11/01/11 19:50 , Tomoaki Okayama wrote:

> > [For Install]
> > Does the following command improve the situation?
> >   $ mv /Users/costabel/.texmf-var /Users/costabel/.texmf-var.old
> No, I had already tried this, it didn't help. But I found the culprit:
> It was a file /sw/etc/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
> I don't know where it came from, no Fink package confesses to have it 
> installed. But it has a timestamp from yesterday, so I suspect it was 
> installed by one of the new texlive packages. After removing the
> /sw/etc/texmf-config/web2c/ directory, everything is now working: 
> texlive-base installs without error, and the perpetual rebuilding of 
> pdflatex.fmt has stopped, too.

That's nice.

I think /sw/etc/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf is created
by or a similar package before, not in InstallScript
but in PostInstScript. And texlive just used it. not strange.

> > If so, I will add
> >
> >   if [ -d ~/.texmf-var ]; then rm -Rf ~/.texmf-var; fi
> >
> > in the PreInstScript.
> I rather recommend to add %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/ to the list of 
> stuff to remove.
OK. I added the line for fmtutil.cnf. Thank you.

I believe updmap.cfg should not be removed so that
previously-installed packages such as utf-fontfiles/otf-fontfiles
can be continuously used. If updmap.cfg is removed, the packages
couldn't be used until they are re-installed.

Unlike fmtutil-sys, updmap-sys --syncwithtrees is executed in the
PostInstScript, so I think it's ok without removing updmap.cfg.
The command will automatically comment out unavailable maps.

> I'll go now back to 10.6/64bit and try to see how to compile xetex. It 
> would be a pity if all texlive binaries would have to be compiled in 
> 32bit mode just because the xetex developers haven't yet got their act 
> together.
Thanks for your assistance. I hope we find good news.

Tomoaki Okayama

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