On 12/21/2011 3:29 PM, Michael Parchet wrote:
> Le 21.12.11 21:09, Alexander Hansen a écrit :
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 12/21/11 2:39 PM, Michael Parchet wrote:
>>> Le 19.12.11 23:26, Hanspeter Niederstrasser a écrit :
>>>> [cross posted to -devel and -users.  reply to -devel] [ Todai is
>>>> cc'd since they maintain the older mysql-unified ]
>>>> I've managed to get the latest stable mysql (5.5.19) to build on
>>>> 10.7 and pass all its tests.  However, I don't use mysql and
>>>> have no idea if it actually works.  So I'm putting this out to
>>>> people who might find a modern mysql in Fink to be useful and
>>>> can actually test it.
>>>> You can find my .info and .patch files here:
>>>> <http://cvs.snaggledworks.com/viewvc.cgi/fink/3rdparty/main/finkinfo/database/>
>> I have install the mysql18 package but the mysql server is required
>>> Where is this package for mac os 10.7 ?
>>> Tanks for your help
>>> Best regards
>>> mparchet
>> If this is just a quick edit of the existing package for 10.5/10.6,
>> then the server should be installed already and
>> fink info mysql18
> When I run the server I get this error message
> MacBook-Pro-de-Michael:sbin rparchet$ mysqld_safe -- user=mysql&
> [1] 65528
> MacBook-Pro-de-Michael:sbin rparchet$ 111221 21:23:25 mysqld_safe
> Logging to 'var/data/MacBook-Pro-de-Michael.local.err'.
> touch: var/data/MacBook-Pro-de-Michael.local.err: No such file or directory
> chown: var/data/MacBook-Pro-de-Michael.local.err: No such file or directory
> 111221 21:23:26 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from
> var/data
> /sw/bin/mysqld_safe: line 107:
> var/data/MacBook-Pro-de-Michael.local.err: No such file or directory
> /sw/bin/mysqld_safe: line 144:
> var/data/MacBook-Pro-de-Michael.local.err: No such file or directory
> 111221 21:23:26 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file
> var/data/MacBook-Pro-de-Michael.local.pid ended
> /sw/bin/mysqld_safe: line 107:
> var/data/MacBook-Pro-de-Michael.local.err: No such file or directory

Please download the new .info and .patch files from 
and overwrite the earlier files you downloaded.  These should give you 
revision 3 of mysql18 which should fix the above error.


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