On 5/14/12 3:44 AM, Dustin Cartwright wrote:
> Alexander, can you try the latest branch of add-fink-bld again?
> Directory Services seems to map uid, passwd, etc. to UniqueID, Password
> respectively, but I thought it might be better just to use the latter
> directly. I also added an invocation of "dsmemberutil flushcache". I
> know nothing about this command but it's name sounds promising.
> On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Merle Reinhart <merlereinh...@mac.com
> <mailto:merlereinh...@mac.com>> wrote:
>     Dustin,
>     This is all potentially going to create issues for enterprise and
>     school IT types (the dynamically assigning part).  Also, a lot of
>     those situations make use of AD for user/group administration and
>     some might be using Open Directory via a central Mac OS X Server.
>      If you just look at the local database and create a user/group
>     based upon that, there is a possibility that you'll override a
>     non-local account (a local account with the same uid will override a
>     non-local account) with unpredictable and potentially bad results.
> Hi Merle, thanks for your concerns. I did two things. First, I changed
> the method of looking for unused UIDs from dscl to getpwuid and
> getgrgid, which should mean that fink will detect UIDs which are in use
> by either local or non-local users. Second, the block of UIDs that fink
> looks at can now be controlled with a configure option, called AutoUidBase.
> It seems to me that if users with Open Directory want fink-bld to have
> the same UID on all their computers, then the simplest way is to create
> this user on the central server and then on the other computers fink
> won't touch the user list. The whole point of Open Directory is to
> administer these things centrally, right? On the other hand, if they
> don't mind fink-bld being created locally, then AutoUidBase means that
> it can be forced into some fixed range which won't be used for centrally
> assigned UIDs.
> One thing that I'm keeping in the back of my mind is that it would be
> nice if someday all users created by fink had auto-assigned UIDs. For
> the near future only fink-bld will be created with auto-assigned UID,
> but I want to think through the design as if fink will potentially be
> creating further users with auto-assigned UIDs as it needs them for
> packages. Thus, the idea of AutoUidBase is to reserve a whole block of
> UIDs rather than requesting them one at a time.
> I've never used Open Directory, so maybe I'm all wrong. But does this
> make sense to you?
> If so, I think the remaining question is: should fink prompt the user
> before creating the fink-bld user, something like what the passwd
> package does now? My feeling is no, or maybe only on computers using
> Open Directory. Without Open Directory, there's no risk of a UID
> collision and we're not allowing users to opt out of fink-bld, so I
> don't see why anyone would prefer anything other than the auto-assigned
> UID. Does anyone know if there's a good way of determining whether or
> not Open Directory is enabled?
> Dustin

After injecting again, removing the fink-bld entries, and doing a

$ id fink-bld
uid=4294967294(fink-bld) gid=4294967294(nobody)

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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