On 9/4/2012 11:09 PM, Max Horn wrote:
> Hi again,
> On 04.09.2012, at 14:31, Hanspeter Niederstrasser wrote:
> [...]
>>  From the link in the original report, the python failure seems to be a race 
>> issue: <http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=12210>  This is an 8 
>> core MBP, while the 10.6 system only has 4 cores.
> For the record, I am on an 8 core MBP (well 4 core, times 2 for hyper 
> threading), running 10.7. But I guess I am simply always lucky :). Anyway, so 
> that one can be dealt with using the patch included in that bug report.
> But the vast number of differences in test results are due to differences in 
> what packages we have installed. For example, I don't have tex installed via 
> Fink (rather, I use MacTeX 2012). Hence for me, the txinfo tests get skipped, 
> and thus I don't see those failures.
> In addition, I have GNU make, grep, sed, gawk, bash, coreutils-default 
> installed, all of which get picked up by the testsuite; on the other hand, 
> you seem to have flex or flex-devel and bison or byacc installed (and also 
> texlive of tetex), which I don't have. This all leads to differences.

The difference in what tests are run I don't think matters, unless a 
test is known to fail, and the txinfo tests fit that.  As dmacks pointed 
out, it seems to be that they're hardcoding /sw/share/info/dir.bak, 
which is fragile when not-root.

> Now I am pondering whether to add any of these to the dependencies of the 
> InfoTest... hrm. Anyway, now that I know why those tests don't "fail" for me 
> (they get skipped), I can look into resolving all this.

As a user, I would be annoyed if all those TestDepends were added (most 
especially coreutils-default) since they take over system provided 
programs.  For packages that have such large test suites, I think common 
practice is to only TestDepend on packages that are fully needed for the 
suite, rather than including all the ones for every single individual 
test (see gettex-tools and git).

> In closing, it could be helpful if you could also upload the fink build log 
> somewhere, as the test log generated by automake is incomplete (it does not 
> reliably cover all tests).



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