In the particular case of wxgtk and wxpython, I suggest:

1. for freetype [truetype font rendering], use the default (1) choice 
"freetype".  The hinting version, aside from having intellectual 
property issues, doesn't currently define a needed entry point 
(FT_Render_Glyph) and so doesn't "provide" freetype in a way that will 
build wxgtk.  (It seems to be 1 patch behind, so maybe it's just 

2. for the X window environment, if you've never run X before, use the 
fink-prepared environment (xfree86-base and xfree86-rootless).  Also you 
will need a window manager (such as windowmaker), although it's not a 
dependency of wxgtk in particular.  Check the fink docs about running 
X11 on Darwin; they're very good.


On Monday, February 25, 2002, at 11:44 AM, David R. Morrison wrote:

> Dan Shafer wrote:
>> I know I need to get wxgtk and wxpython-wxgtk loaded. I know these
>> are in unstable. So I configured fink to see unstables and download
>> them for me. So far, so good.
>> But when I tpe:
>> fink install wxgtk wxpython-wxgtk
>> I get asked questions about resolving virtual dependencies and i,
>> frankly, am clueless how to proceed.
> When fink asks you about a dependency, it provides a default choice
> (which you can choose by just hitting "return").  These might not
> be the correct choices for your circumstances, but accepting the
> defaults should let you install the packages you want to install.
> If you later learn that you need to change something, you'll be
> able to do that.
>   -- Dave
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