On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 05:44 PM, Hester, Jeffrey W. wrote:

> Per Alexander's recommendation I did a "fink remove packagename" on all
> those listed with a "C" in the first column.  What's strange is that only
> "ddd" was actually removed.  All of the other packages gave the following
> error:
> dpkg --remove  blackbox-rootless
> dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove blackbox-rootless which isn't
> installed.
> It's like they weren't installed.  Which they shouldn't be because many I
> didn't recognize and many I didn't even download (even as dependencies).
> These included: ddd, ghx, hx, links-ssl, ee, f2c, gnut, rsync, hdf, hdf5,
> netcdf, netcdf-absoft, rasmol, scigraphica, ispell, tex2im, xless, 
> keychain,
> kinput, links, basiliskii, eterm, blackbox, and blackbox-rootless.
> Sounds like I'm really hosed.  Is my only option to trash fink (ie /sw) 
> and
> start from scatch?  I hope I don't have to reload all of those packages.  
> If
> I do, how can I prevent this from getting messed up again.  I'm not one 
> that
> mucks around with the files except for using dselect and fink.
Did not read this thread before, but I had the exact same problems with a 
recent selfupdate (and posted it here, too). I think fink just barfs on 
the number of error msgs from the packages removed from the repository, a 

>> cvs server: conflict: dists/stable/main/finkinfo/net/ghx-0.1.39-1.info is
>> modified but no longer in the repository

My solution for this was not to remove any packages (the errors occurred 
for packages I never installed as well), but remove the old package 
_descriptions_ from the /sw/fink/dists tree. A complete removal (or 
renaming) of the "finkinfo" directories would probably work, but to play 
it safe you might try

find /sw/fink/dists -name '*.info' -exec sudo rm {} \;
find /sw/fink/dists -name '*.patch' -exec sudo rm {} \;

selfupdate-cvs will normally install a full new set of package 
descriptions, so you should be fine after that -- at least it worked for 
me, and I had the  exact same

### su failed, exit code 1
Failed: Updating using CVS failed. Check the error messages above.

error before.


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