On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 03:00 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:

>> cvs server: dists/stable/main/finkinfo/gnome/gnome-libs- is
>> no longer in the repository
> These are not errors. The cvs server informs you about files that have
> been removed from the cvs tree, usually because they are obsolete.
> Normally cvs should then remove them also from your tree.
That's what I assumed, too, but I was puzzled by getting a

### su failed, exit code 1
Failed: Updating using CVS failed. Check the error messages above.

after some 80 of these messages. On second inspection, though, it turned 
out there _was_ another problem:

cvs server: conflict: 
dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/languages/wxpython-wxgtk- is 
modified but no longer in the repository
cvs server: conflict: 
dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/languages/wxpython-wxgtk- is 
modified but no longer in the repository

which I had indeed changed myself to fix the include path. So it seems it'
s just me who can only digest so many warning messages ;-)


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