Max Horn writes:

> At 18:34 Uhr +0000 06.04.2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >I've been using Fink for a while, but after I fiddled a bit with my .tcshrc
> >file to add some settings, I accidentally removed the source /sw/ etc line.
> >So then I put it back in, but now Fink doesn't indicate that any packages
> >are installed, even though a lot are (lynx, xmms, xdarwin, freeciv, etc
> >etc)... What gives?
> Err, what exactly are you deduciing this from? You mean that if you 
> enter "fink list --installed" it will give you an empty list?
> Max
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------
> Max Horn
> Software Developer
> email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> phone: (+49) 6151-494890


[cannedtunes:~] carthag% fink list installed
Reading package info...
Information about 288 packages read in 17 seconds.
[cannedtunes:~] carthag% 



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