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yes, or if you like, install wget.

I like wget much better than curl, it works with less problems. there is 
a -c option for it (curl has one too) which will continue the download 
from where it left off...

On Friday, May 3, 2002, at 10:00 AM, Dan O'Brien wrote:

>       I want to install Gimp  and some other stuff, but my ISP cuts me 
> off every two hours, interrupting my downloads. I have speed download, 
> which allows me to resume browser downloads, so I was wondering if I 
> could download my files through download accelerator via IE, and then 
> put them sommewhere and tell fink to build them. I tried putting the 
> files from macgimp.org in sw/src and doing fink configure to tell fink 
> that was where they were, but it still  went to download them again - 
> is that because they weren't the latest versions? How can I get it to 
> just install them?
> Please bear in mind I'm a UNIX newbie - the above is just about my 
> entire knowledge of fink, unix and the command line!
> -- Dan O'Brien

- -chris zubrzycki
- - --
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