At 10:30 AM -0400 3/5/02, Erik Price wrote:
>On Friday, May 3, 2002, at 10:00  AM, Dan O'Brien wrote:
>>      I want to install Gimp  and some other stuff, but my ISP cuts 
>>me off every two hours, interrupting my downloads. I have speed 
>>download, which allows me to resume browser downloads, so I was 
>>wondering if I could download my files through download accelerator 
>>via IE, and then put them sommewhere and tell fink to build them.
>I thought that curl supported resuming downloads.
><snip src="man curl">
>        -C/--continue-at <offset>
>               Continue/Resume a previous  file  transfer  at  the
>               given  offset. The given offset is the exact number
>               of bytes that will  be  skipped  counted  from  the
>               beginning  of  the  source file before it is trans-
>               fered to the destination.  If  used  with  uploads,
>               the  ftp  server  command  SIZE will not be used by
>               curl. Upload resume is for FTP only.   HTTP  resume
>               is only possible with HTTP/1.1 or later servers.
>Not sure how Fink negotiates this, though.  BTW, although I have no 
>empirical evidence or reason to believe this, I would put my money 
>on curl or wget being more robust than any browser's file transfer 
I recently had trouble getting the latest abiword tarball during a 
fink install - very slow download, that kept failing, and I couldn't 
goggle the file anywhere else.  Fink wanted to overwrite the file and 
start over every time, which meant I lost all the previous work.  For 
some reason, I decided to just have fink fetch the package (fink 
fetch package_name), instead of doing the full install.  This time, 
fink offered the choice to resume the download - worked like a charm. 
The download still eventually failed, but I was able to get a bit 
more of it each time.

So, try fink fetch.

Good luck,



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