J. Talarski sez:
} I'm not sure what I did ('cept ignore a few warnings).  I recently upgraded
} to OSX 10.1.5 and have seen this message pop-up anytime I use the SUDO
} command.  
} localhost:~] talarski% sudo apt-get update
} sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0775, should be 0440
} [localhost:~] talarski% can not write to queue directory
} /var/spool/clientmqueue/ (RunAsGid=25, required=80): Permission denied
} I'm sure I did some damage using a program called BatCHmod which let you
} change user privileges and force empty your trash.

Yup, you can really screw things up with BatCHmod if you're not careful.

} Now, being somewhat of a newbie I'm not sure, but I think I'll need to
} complete two tasks to fix this issue.  Log in as root (of course I've never
} setup the root password and doing so now without SUDO is proving
} challenging) and set the correct parameters for /etc/sudoers and
} /var/spool/clientmqueue.  Can anyone point in the way of instructions (or
} provide guidance) on completing these tasks?

I have never been a fan of sudo. Granted, there are occasions when someone
should be allowed to do only certain superuser things on a multi-user
system, but when the number of users on the system is under ten and only
one or two people ever have to do superuser things (as is generally the
case with home-installed Unix boxen), it's just a pain. It does have its
appeal when you set things up not to require a password, e.g. fink and
apt-get and dselect.

Anyway, to give root a password, do the following (this is for MacOS X...
if you are using pure Darwin you will have to emulate this with nidump and

 1. open /Applications/Utilities/NetInfo\ Manager.app
 2. authenticate yourself by clicking on the lock
 3. select /users/<youraccount>
 4. copy the value for passwd
 5. select /users/root
 6. paste over the value for passwd
 7. select /groups/wheel (it will ask you if you really want to save or
    whatnot. you do)
 8. are you in the users array? If not, add yourself (New Value, under the
    Directory menu)
 9. quit NetInfo Manager (it will ask you if you really want to save or
    whatnot. you do)
10. in Terminal.app, su -
11. when it asks for the password, give yours (if it says you aren't in
    wheel, quit Terminal.app and start it again... you DID follow steps
    7-9, right?)
12. passwd root
13. give root a new password. It is a bad idea to have the same password
    for any two accounts, *especially* root.
14. chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers
15. exit
16. move about the cabin normally



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