Gregory Seidman wrote:
> Anyway, to give root a password, do the following (this is for MacOS X...
> if you are using pure Darwin you will have to emulate this with nidump and
> niutil):

You can always avoid any excessive exposure to NetInfo by using 
nidump and niload. In this case, dump the passwd file:

nidump passwd / > passwd.dmp

edit it, replacing whatever is in root's password with your user 

niload passwd -m < passwd.dmp

And then su - with your password for root's, change it to 
something else, and hey presto.

You can add yourself to the group file's admin group the same way.

The only place I have found this netinfo<->flatfiles stuff to not 
work is adding name resolvers, but that's well documented elsewhere.

Paul Beard / 8040 27th Ave NE / Seattle WA 98115 /
paulbeard [at] mac [ dot] com / 206 529 8400

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