dear finkers

i have nuked my /sw today (on puropse, that is) to start all over again 
with a clean install of fink under 10.2. getting the source tarball, 
called fink-0.4.0-full (or something similar, i did that this morning) 
i ran ./ to set up a new fink installation. unfortunately fails to compile with 10.2 (GCC version 1151, based 
on gcc version 3.1 20020420) and therefore the whole bootstrap fails.

i know that deleting the whole fink installation is not the easiest nor 
the way you suggested to update but i just wanted a clean install after 
the gcc 2.95 and 3.1 (from the april tools) mix i had. putting a new 
tarball on the web (exchanging ncurses-5.2-6 with ncurses-5.2-7) could 
safe much trouble for everyone who wants to start with a new 
installation from source.

i know that you're working on a new bindist, so i don't want to hassle 
you as you might update the tarball anyway shortly, just to report...

besides that no problems with fink and 10.2 so far. not even compile 
failures after about a hundred packages - how boring... :-) thanx for 
the great work!


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